Wild Gifts: A Reading by Creative Writing Faculty—October 4
The Department of Language Studies and the Arts presents “Wild Gifts: A Reading by Creative Writing Faculty” with Dr. Patrick Crerand, Gianna Russo, Brooke King, Dr. Steve Kistulentz, and Dr. Anne Barngrover on Wednesday, October 4, at 7 p.m. in Selby Auditorium, located in Lewis Hall.
Patrick Crerand teaches writing and literature at Saint Leo. His work has appeared in North American Review, the Collagist, McSweeney’s Quarterly, and other magazines. He lives in Dade City with his wife and three children.
Gianna Russo is the author of a full-length poetry collection, Moonflower (2011, Kitsune Books), winner of the Florida Book Award Bronze Medal, the Florida Publishers Association Silver Award, and an Eric Hofer First Horizons Honorable Mention. A Pushcart Prize nominee, she has also had publications in Tampa Review, Ekphrasis, Crab Orchard Review, Florida Review, Florida Humanities Council Forum, Karamu, The Bloomsbury Review, The Sun, Poet Lore, The MacGuffin, Water Stone, and Calyx, among others. Russo also is the founding editor of YellowJacket Press, currently the only publisher of poetry chapbook manuscripts in Florida. In 2011, she won Creative Loafing’s Best of the Bay Award for her work with YellowJacket Press. She is an instructor of English and creative writing at Saint Leo University, where she edits the Sandhill Review and directs the Sandhill Writers Retreat. She lives in Tampa with her husband, editor and writer, Jeff Karon.
Brooke N. King served in the U.S. Army, deploying to Iraq in 2006 as a wheel vehicle mechanic, machine gunner, and recovery specialist. Her work has been published in O-Dark-Thirty, War, Literature, & Arts, and Prairie Schooner, and she has an essay in the upcoming Hudson Whitman Excelsior Press Anthology, Retire the Colors. She also appeared as featured veteran author on the KPBS literary series, Incoming. King is working on her memoir, Full Battle Rattle, and teaching veteran writing at Saint Leo University’s Master of Arts in creative writing program.
Steve Kistulentz is the director of the Saint Leo Master of Arts in creative writing program and an associate professor of English. He is the author of the forthcoming novel Panorama, to be published by Little, Brown & Co. in spring 2018, as well as two collections of poetry, Little Black Daydream (2012), an editor’s choice selection in the University of Akron Press Series in Poetry, and The Luckless Age (2010), selected from more than 700 manuscripts as the winner of the Benjamin Saltman Award. His short stories have appeared in many journals, including Narrative Magazine, Quarter After Eight, and Crab Orchard Review. His narrative nonfiction—mostly on the subject of popular culture—has appeared widely in journals. His honors include the Benjamin Saltman Award for The Luckless Age, as well as fellowship support from Writers at Work, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and an individual award from the Mississippi Arts Commission.
Dr. Anne Barngrover is an assistant professor of English and creative writing, teaching at University Campus. She began work in July, during the summer residency for Saint Leo’s graduate creative writing program. She is the author of three collections of poetry, including Brazen Creature, forthcoming in 2018.
For more information, contact Megan Orendorf, the administrator of events and special programs for the School of Arts and Sciences, at jennifer.orendorf@saintleo.edu or (352) 588-8401.