
Published on August 17th, 2017 | by University Communications


Send us your good news

Faculty and staff, do you have great stories about what our students and alumni are doing? We want to hear about awards, accomplishments, career success, community service—anything that makes Saint Leo students and alumni stand out. Communications and Marketing will work together to profile these outstanding students and alumni on a number of platforms, including social media, local news, advertising, and Spirit magazine. If you have details to share, please send them to and include the following:

  • The student or alumnus name
  • Class year and major (if known)
  • Where the student or alumnus attends/attended (education center, online, or University Campus)
  • The best way to contact the person (if known)
  • Details of what the student or alumnus is doing or has accomplished

For more information, call the Office of University Communications at (352) 588-8572 or email

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