Leaders in the Industry webinar series continues, August 8
Saint Leo University WorldWide Career Services presents this monthly series of interactive webinars, offering students the opportunity to explore career fields and network with industry professionals. You can attend from wherever you are!
The next webinar will be on Tuesday, August 8, at 7 p.m. EST. WorldWide Career Services welcomes Kelly Dulin, talent acquisition manager at Enterprise Holdings. Enterprise is known for its management training program, where all Enterprise employees get their start. Dulin is no different. Prior to her current role, she started out as management trainee and advanced quickly to assistant manager, branch manager, and area manager.
Dulin will present “Jumpstart Your Career in a Management Training Program,” sharing her story and an inside look at one of the most successful management training programs in the world. The Enterprise program provides training for running a multimillion-dollar business, with opportunities for those looking for corporate advancement or preparing to create their own businesses. From the ground up, trainees get experience in all business areas, including customer service, sales, marketing, finance, and operations. Take this opportunity to virtually network with the largest car rental services provider in the world, with annual revenues of more than $20.9 billion.
Space is limited, and reservations are needed to ensure webinar access. To make a reservation, please contact Nancy at laura.cheek@saintleo.edu. To access the webinar, please click on this link and enter your first and last name.