Clarification: rental car procedures for WorldWide
If you are using the professional development fund (PDF) to attend a conference or workshop and your travel plans include renting a car, please use the following steps to reserve your car:
- Send your rental request with the dates of your trip and pick-up/drop-off location and times to for a quote.
Please copy and
- Once the request is approved by the PDF chair, a requisition will be done and you will receive a purchase order (P.O.) number (this is required for all reservations).
- Notify once you drop the car off, with the P.O. number so that Avis can be paid. Please note: These instructions are for WorldWide faculty members who are renting a car as part of their professional development fund (PDF) activities.
WorldWide faculty who are traveling and will NOT be using PDF funds should first get approval from their department chair. Once approved, send the information regarding the pick-up/drop-off locations and times to Copy your chair and school coordinator. Shannon will reply with the quote, and the school coordinator will create a requisition. Once the P.O. has been created, Shannon will send the rental confirmation to everyone. This procedure should be followed when WorldWide faculty visit University Campus as well.
When this procedure is followed correctly, Purchasing will apply a unique discount code, which provides Saint Leo University with the following free insurance coverage:
- Bodily injury, $100,000 per individual, $300,000 per accident
- Property damage, $200,000
- Comprehensive damage – covered with no deductible
- Collision – no deductible
- Attorney’s fees up to $100,000.
Please schedule your rental reservations well in advance to ensure vehicle availability. If a requested vehicle is not available at the time of your request, then Purchasing retains the right to determine which rental company to use next.
Failure to follow this procedure may result in any reported vehicle damages applied to your departmental budget. Also, using a personal credit card and expensing rental costs later may result in your own personal auto insurance being affected and/or reimbursement delays or — in certain circumstances — the costs may not be reimbursable at all.
For more information, please contact Martin Martinez, risk management analyst, at or at (352) 588-7540.