University Speaker Series: black history and music
The University Speaker Series returns at 7 p.m., Tuesday, February 28, in Selby Auditorium/Lewis Hall at University Campus with a special event to honor Black History Month.
The School of Arts and Sciences has arranged a dynamic presentation blending music and civil rights history, “From the Railroad to the Crossroad—The Underground Railroad to the Civil Rights Movement.” The performance features two artists, the married couple Reggie and Kim Harris. Reggie Harris is a singer, songwriter, and storyteller who is steeped in the tradition of African-American spirituals, folk, gospel, and the music of civil and human rights. He serves as the musical education director of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Living Legacy Project, which curates lessons from the modern civil rights movement and current human rights struggles. Kim Harris is a composer, recording artist, and music teacher who performs works from the Underground Railroad and civil rights movement. She earned a doctorate from Union Theological Seminary in New York City in worship and the arts and is a liturgical consultant for the Archdiocese of New York Office of Black Ministry.
The presentation is free and open to the public, as well as to the university community. To view the presentation remotely, use this link:
Saint Leo University’s School of Arts and Sciences arranged for the Harrises to visit Saint Leo through the Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellows program, a special initiative of the Council of Independent Colleges Their extended biographies are available by visiting this page and typing their names in the search box:
A video of a 2014 performance of “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” is here:
For more information or special seating requests, please contact Megan Orendorf, administrator of special events for the School of Arts and Sciences. She can be reached at (352) 588-8401 or by email at