Spring 2017 graduates — important date extension
The $10 discount on cap and gown ordering for University Campus Spring 2017 graduates has been extended to March 10 for students picking up their regalia at University Campus. Orders should be placed online at herffjones.com/college/slu.
If students wish to have regalia shipped to their homes, they can select the “Homeship” option from the drop-down box. The cap and gowns will be regularly priced, plus standard tax and shipping fees (standard shipping $15.95/rush shipping $36.90).
In addition, announcement orders can be placed online, also at herffjones.com/college/slu. All orders will be sent to the students’ home addresses within 3-4 weeks. Announcements will be customized with the Saint Leo crest and personalized with students’ names, degrees, and majors.
For more information, contact Maureen Tarpey at (352) 588-8344 or maureen.tarpey@saintleo.edu.