7th Annual Tampa Bay Men’s Conference: “Living The Faith”
The Seventh Annual Tampa Bay Men’s Conference, “Living The Faith,” will take place on Saturday, February 18, in Higgins Hall of the St. Lawrence Church, located at 5235 N. Himes Ave. in Tampa, FL.
- 6:30 a.m. – Doors open
- 6:30 a.m. – Rosary
- 8 a.m. – Mass
- 9:30 a.m. – Speakers
- 11:35 a.m. – Lunch
- 12:20 p.m. – Speakers
- 3 p.m. – Closing
The Most Reverend Bishop Gregory Parkes, who was installed as the fifth bishop of St. Petersburg on January 4, will celebrate the opening Mass. Guest speakers are renowned theologian and author Dr. Scott Hahn, Father Bill Casey of EWTN, and coach Arthur “Artie” Boyle.
Students, faculty, and staff of all faiths are invited. The conference is free for any priests, deacons, brothers, and/or abbots, while a $15 entrance fee is required for students. Saint Leo students who would like to attend but need assistance with the entrance fee can contact Father Kyle Smith at (352) 588-8292. Father and son tickets are $20. All registrants receive a boxed lunch.
Early registration is recommended, and the event is expected to sell out quickly, as the newly installed bishop will celebrate Mass and possibly hear confessions. Register here.