Published on November 3rd, 2016 | by University Communications
0D2L faculty Q&A
So you’ve completed the D2L Faculty Enrichment Course, read the Faculty Frequently Asked Questions, and used the D2L Guides & Videos, and you still have a question about teaching with Saint Leo University’s new learning management system D2L?
Drop in to one of our D2L faculty Q&A sessions to ask a question or two about teaching your course in D2L.
One of our hard-working and knowledgeable Faculty Development and Enrichment team members will be in the room to answer your question or review a task.
You’ll find a list of upcoming sessions on the Teaching & Learning Innovation Events Calendar.
Read more about D2L Faculty Enrichment.
For more information, contact Claudia Ruiz, director of Faculty Development and Enrichment, at (352) 588-7542 or