Cash collection drive for Thanksgiving turkeys
The Social Work Club is holding a cash collection drive to benefit the 21st Annual Community Thanksgiving Celebration, hosted by the Benedictine Sisters of Florida. This club will assist the Sisters in providing Thanksgiving dinner to local families in need, as well as students who will remain in the area for the holiday. The collection drive will be held on Monday, November 14, and Wednesday, November 16, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. outside the Dining Hall and in the lobby of Saint Edward Hall.
Your cash donations will enable these groups to purchase turkeys and offer a festive meal to those who might otherwise not enjoy one. Help us help others!
For more information about this celebration, hosted by the Benedictine Sisters of Florida, please visit the 21st Annual Community Thanksgiving Celebration page.
To learn more about the drive or other ways to donate, please contact Janine C. Pesi at