SWAT training scheduled for May 27 and June 3
Please be advised that Saint Leo University Campus Security and Safety is partnering with Pasco County Sheriff’s Office SWAT Team to conduct training exercises.
On Friday, May 27, the PCS SWAT team will be conducting training exercises in the area of the Villas (south of State Road 52) in the morning and in the area of the Apartments (rear of campus) and Benoit Hall later in the afternoon. Campus Security and Safety will accompany the training units and will ensure that the areas are marked with appropriate signage. A second training will be conducted on Friday, June 3, using the same facilities.
If you notice SWAT vehicles and personnel in the area on May 27 and June 3, do not be alarmed. They are part of this scheduled training.
We ask that you please keep a safe distance from these exercises and direct any questions to Campus Security and Safety at (352) 588-8432.