Holy Week message from Father Stephan Brown, University Ministry
On December 8, we started the extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. This jubilee year began on the feast of the Immaculate Conception when we see God’s plan of salvation unfold for us a special vessel, namely Mary, through which the world and all creation will experience the transforming power of God’s love.
After celebrating the incarnation and the manifestation of divine mercy on a child’s face, we have the opportunity and the privilege to remember the past with gratitude, love the present with passion, and prepare for the future with great confidence because of God’s eternal mercy.
On Sunday and throughout Holy Week, from March 20 to March 27, we contemplate the greatest love of God for us. God expects us to be not only spectators of the mysteries we celebrate, but also to follow the ceremonies of Holy Week with much devotion and desire to live better the faith, hope, and charity.
Let us pay special attention during Holy Week to Easter Triduum: On Holy Thursday, Jesus tells the apostles that God blesses those who are willing to serve as he did, washing the feet of his disciples; On Good Friday, Jesus showed that he loved us, really giving us a present of his life in the sacrifice of the cross., And on Holy Saturday, Jesus shows that He is King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the one who lives, the Lord of Life. It shows that when he conquered death and rose again on the third day.
The celebration of the paschal mystery, where we see again the true and authentic mercy of God, has the power to change our life, to help us become merciful, to forgive our sins, and to become good practitioners not forgetting the poor, the persecuted, the rejected, the marginalized, and outcast. Pope Francis recalls that the mercy of God is available to everyone, no matter their situation, position, or social status.
May the power of the Holy Week transform our lives in order that we be merciful as God our Father is merciful.
May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of word and the spirit of grace. And may the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all.
Blessed Holy Week and Happy Easter,
Father Stephan Brown, SVD, assistant to the president, University Ministry