Car wash at University Campus, Tuesday, March 29
Members of the Rho Xi chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., will host a car wash on Tuesday, March 29, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The fraternity was unable to secure the lot behind the UTS building this time, so the car wash will be held in Lot 13 near the tennis courts. The fraternity will provide shuttle service from the courts to other areas of campus via golf cart for your convenience.
Twelve cars can be washed per hour, but to ensure that your car may be washed at a time for your convenience, a time slot must be selected. Campus Security and Safety will help ensure the safety of the vehicles and workers at the event. Donations for the chapter are appreciated.
Car wash packages:
- Standard Package: $15 — Detailed wash, Turtle Spray Wax gloss finish, and tire shine
- Deluxe Package: $20 — Detailed wash, Turtle Spray Wax gloss finish, tire shine, interior vacuum, and Armor All finish.
To book a time slot for your car to be washed or for questions and concerns, contact the Rho Xi chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., at