Upcoming trip and course offering: Terrorism in Israel, May 13-21
Saint Leo University, in partnership with Security Solutions International, is offering the course and trip: Terrorism in Israel from May 13-21.
This trip to Israel will be the opportunity of a lifetime, allowing students to study critical issues regarding terrorism philosophy, tactics, methodology, and the ancient origins of the global threat. Trip attendees also will recognize and evaluate what this threatcontinues to mean to America. You will receive critical firsthand updates on ISIS and this growing global jihad. Travelers will learn counter-terrorism tactics and measures from the world’s foremost authorities on the subject: The Israeli Defense Forces, The Israel Police, The Mossad, and Israeli Special Forces. Participants will visit the Northern border, the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, the Jordan River, and the Sea of Galilee. Travelers will take a day off from terrorism studies to visit the holy sites in Jerusalem.
The discounted price for Saint Leo students is $2,790. This price includes tours, all meals, and hotel accommodations (double occupancy). Attendees will be responsible for their own round-trip ticket from Newark, NJ. The cost of the flight ranges from $800 to $1,300.
Students can earn either a certification, three graduate credits, or three undergraduate credits. Regular tuition fees apply. For those not looking to earn credit, enrollment as a certificate student is $400. Deposits are due by March 15.
For more information, contact professor Robert Sullivan at (352) 467-0022 or robert.sullivan02@saintleo.edu.