Foundations for Christian-Muslim Dialogue with Father Michael Calabria, OFM, PhD, Tuesday, March 1
The Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies will present “Foundations for Christian-Muslim Dialogue: In the Footprints of Francis and the Sultan” with Father Michael Calabria, OFM, PhD, at 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 1, in the Greenfelder-Denlinger Boardrooms. The event can also be viewed online at
In 1219, in the midst of the Fifth Crusade, Saint Francis of Assisi crossed enemy lines to gain an audience with the Sultan of Egypt, al-Malik al-Kamil, to help bring an end to the violent conflict. While the substance of their conversation is unknown, it is clear that in stark contrast to prevailing practice, Francis engaged the sultan peacefully and respectfully, thereby earning the sultan’s admiration. Centuries afterward, at the Second Vatican Council, this encounter inspired a reassessment of Catholic-Muslim relations, and continues to serve as a paradigm for interfaith relations.
Sponsored by the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies, this event is open to all.
For more information, contact Megan Orendorf, administrator of events and special programs, at (352) 588-8401 or