Colleague (formerly Datatel) refresher for faculty advisors, March 8
Teaching and Learning Innovation through its office of Faculty Development and Enrichment brings you this Lunch and Learn opportunity.
This training will cover the use of Colleague (formerly Datatel) for registration. Major topics covered are as follows:
- PERC — holds
- MGRP — reviewing midterm grades for an informed conversation on probable grades at end of semester and resources for assistance if necessary
- EVAL — using the program evaluation to plan course selection
- RGN — registration screen
- Pre-requisites and course sequencing
- Failed classes
Additional topics: PSPR- proposed program evaluation and STRK- recording comments
Please join us on Tuesday, March 8, at noon in the Student Activity Building, Room 117.
*Bring a beverage, and we will provide food.
For more information, contact Claudia Ruiz, director of Faculty Development & Enrichment, at (352) 588-7542 or