Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies hosting March 3 panel discussion on ‘-isms’
As the number of dangerous “isms” continue to operate in the United States today, there is an increased awareness of just how closely these forces are interrelated. Saint Leo University’s Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies will host Theological Perspectives on Nationalism, Antisemitism, and Racism in the United States Today, 7-9 p.m., Thursday, March 3, via Zoom to discuss these issues. This discussion is free and open to the public.
Guests are invited to join the panel of religious scholars from three faith traditions, who will explore the impact of each “ism” in the U.S. today. Topics include:
- Why have some concluded that antisemitism is at the heart of white nationalism?
- In what ways are the recent surges in antisemitism and racism exacerbated by nationalism?
- How have these views persisted from 19th-century Europe, to the shooting massacre at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018, and to today?
Three leading scholars who address these issues in their own work will be the guest speakers:
- Catholic theologian Dr. William Cavanaugh, DePaul University, Chicago, director of the Center for World Catholicism and Intercultural Theology;
- Methodist theologian Dr. Beverly Mitchell, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, DC; member of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Committee on Ethics, Religion, and the Holocaust; and,
- Jewish theologian Dr. Shai Held, president and dean at Hadar Institute, New York, NY; author of Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Call of Transcendence.
Register for this free event here. Once registered, participants will receive a Zoom link.
For more information, contact Dr. Matthew Tapie, CCJS director, at