Brother Lucius Amarillas ’18 to be ordained as transitional deacon, July 11
The Saint Leo community is invited to witness the ordination of Brother Lucius Amarillas, OSB, a Benedictine monk of Saint Leo Abbey, to the order of the diaconate during Mass at 10 a.m., Sunday, July 11, at the Saint Leo Abbey Church.
For men moving toward the priesthood, becoming a transitional deacon is preparation for the next step of holy orders, the sacrament in which someone is ordained as a priest. Brother Lucius will continue in his current work as prior at the monastery, but also will proclaim the Gospel at Mass, preach and provide certain blessings, and assist with some of the sacraments including baptism, marriage, distribution of the Eucharist, and anointing of the sick.
Those who cannot attend Mass in person are invited to pray for Brother Lucius and watch the live video stream of the Mass via Saint Leo Abbey’s Facebook page.
Brother Lucius graduated from Saint Leo University in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in religion. He was born in Manteca, CA, and grew up in Las Vegas, NV. After graduating high school, he moved to Florida and began studying religion at Saint Leo University. He started discerning a vocation with the Benedictine monks.
For the last six years, Brother Lucius has been through monastic formation, which consists of studying monastic history, Scripture, liturgy, and community life. In his history within the Saint Leo Abbey community, he has been assigned several jobs including baking bread, cleaning, caring for the Abbey Church, and serving as Abbot Isaac Camacho’s master of liturgical celebrations.
Brother Lucius a student at Immaculate Conception Seminary and School of Theology at Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ, is preparing for graduation with a Master of Divinity degree. He will be ordained as a priest in the fall.
The Saint Leo community is encouraged to pray for Brother Lucius as he continues on the path to priesthood.