Students invited to Tell Me About Your Day event, February 24
Everyone wants to feel connected, and from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesday, February 24, students can learn about Tell Me About Your Day (TMAYD), and pick up some TMAYD gear. The TMAYD event will take place at the Student Community Center Loggia.
TMAYD is a suicide-prevention initiative promoting connectedness. Lack of connectedness is among the chief causes of suicide. This program is designed to show people that you care and are open to hearing about their day.
Conversations can be about anything: good, bad, embarrassing, or funny. Wearing the TMAYD T-shirt and using the materials serves as a gentle reminder to talk about your day and ask someone about theirs. The goal is for everyone to more relaxed and connected—and possibly save a life.
For more information, contact Keri Grant, prevention coordinator, Counseling Services & Prevention, at