Athletics — Week of September 4
Saint Leo men’s golf 12th in DII Bushnell Golfweek Preseason Poll
Saint Leo men’s golf team members found themselves ranked No. 12 in the Division II Bushnell Golfweek Preseason Coaches’ Poll, announced by the Golf Coaches Association of America (GCAA) on Friday, August 23. Read the complete release
Marie Coors ’17 wins Deutsche Meisterschaften 2019
Saint Leo alumna Marie Coors ’17, won the Deutsche Meisterschaften 2019 (the German National Championship 2019) with a 273, 14-under par at the Golf Club Valley in Munich, Germany, on August 25. Coors, the lone female NCAA national champion in Saint Leo history, opened up the tournament with a four-under 68. The Lion alumna then carded a five-under 67 on the 23rd before shooting a two-over 74 to sit at 209 (-7) for three rounds. Read the complete release
Athletics opens up 2019-20 campaign
The 2019-20 Saint Leo athletic year gets underway Friday, September 6 ,as men’s soccer, women’s soccer, and volleyball get their seasons rolling. The volleyball and men’s soccer programs will open on the road while the women’s soccer Lions host Mississippi College for a 7 p.m. home opener. The men’s and women’s cross country teams will get things started on their seasons Saturday, September 7, at the Florida Tech Invitational.
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