Care for the Homeless: Insights and Inspirations from Clinical Psychology, Norfolk, VA, Saturday, March 19
The School of Arts and Sciences will present an event sponsored by the Department of Psychology, the Department of Philosophy, Theology, and Religion, and the Norfolk Catholic Worker from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 19, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church – 520 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, VA 23507.
Care for the Homeless: Insights and Inspirations from Clinical Psychology is for those who work with the homeless in a volunteer capacity and would like to improve their effectiveness to be of more assistance to the homeless as persons created in God’s image.
Dr. Carletta N. Perry, who holds a doctorate in clinical psychology and is an assistant professor at Saint Leo University, will discuss the mental health of those who are homeless and how we can offer support through our understanding and empathy as well as through basic counseling skills. Dr. Perry has done extensive work with the homeless in the Norfolk area and is a respected and well-known speaker. The introduction will be by Dr. Michael McLaughlin, associate professor of religion. A question and answer panel will follow the presentation.
Please RSVP to Dr. Michael McLaughlin at to reserve a seat.